I believe alot of ocg duelist are waiting to get your hands on these boosters. Why is it so? We all know that extra pack are exclusive cards released by yugioh TCG konami and in this series, 3 important cards which everyone wants. First is Reborn Tengu, semi-limited and it's effect is "when this card leave the field, special summon one Reborn Tengu from your deck to the field". Second is Tour Guide of the Underworld, Semi-limited and it's effect is "When this card is normal summoned, you can special summon one level 3 fiend type monster on the field. It's effect is negated and it cannot be used as a syncro monster material". Who care about synrco summoning now when you can xyz summon. Lastly is a card which I personally love and me as a oricamaker have produced the card before.The Seal of Orichalcos, konami haven't release much details on this card but I hope it's playable. Even if it's not playable I will love to own one of them, I mean click on the link and check out the beauty of that card. This is just my thoughts, hope you guys have the same and let me know what you guys think? How many boxes should we buy?
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